Open Access Revisão por pares

Editorial - Year 2019 - Volume 34 - Issue 2

Our mission is to consolidate plastic surgery as the specialty holder of scientific knowledge

Consolida a Cirurgia Plástica como a especialidade detentora do conhecimento científico é nossa missão

Brazilian plastic surgeons live in a peculiar country. Without doubt, Brazil is full of brilliant minds that struggle daily to offer the best medicine in an often unfavorable reality. Using creativity and by optimizing resources and choices, surgeons propose to treat those in need in the best possible way.

Brazil is peculiar because people coexist in the midst of a simultaneous availability and scarcity of resources, depending on the geographical location. Some practice medicine with maximum excellence, while others do so to offer minimum dignity .

In this immense continental territory, however, where these differences weigh , diffusion of information is possible . Owing to the technological sources of information through the Internet, telemedicine, and online conferences and courses, quality information can now be transmitted to the most remote locations.

The SBCP has performed its role in disseminating national and international scientific publications through the Brazilian Journal of Plastic Surgery and intensifying scientific disclosure in Events, Regional Workshops and National Congresses.

The concern regarding enhancing scientific dissemination is not isolated but is an effort of multiple sectors to make SBCP stronger scientifically in a moment of conspicuous invasion of the specialty by other professionals, physicians, and non-physicians.

The mission of RBCP is to hold the most accurate source and the most compelling information, always based on the most modern concepts of scientific evidence. Thus, in addition to the regular editions that are available in open access, the SBCP board has invested in the use of supplements to divulge free themes presented at the main regional conferences by using an expanded abstract model. This stimulus to dissemination enriches the RBCP collection and allows new ideas and studies of plastic surgeons throughout the country to go beyond verbal dissemination and permanently consolidate each contribution. In addition, it becomes like a laboratory of new original studies that educates and stimulates surgeons to write and conveys the idea that the dissemination of a study enriches medical practice, strengthening the specialty and nurturing the scientific image of our community.

Editor-in-Chief of the RBCP