Editorial - Articles selected for publication based on scientific relevance. These articles are written by the Editorial Board or assigned to renowned experts from different research fields. The Editorial Board may consider publishing editorials submitted spontaneously.

Original Article - Includes controlled and randomized studies, observational studies, and basic research with experimental animals. These articles should contain the following sections: Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References, and Abstract in Portuguese and English. The main text should have no more than 3000 words (excluding tables, references, and abstracts), 30 references, 20 images (presented either individually or in groups), and four tables.

Review Article - Critical and organized reviews of the literature, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses on a specific topic of clinical importance. The text should not exceed 3000 words (excluding references and tables) and six images presented individually or in groups. References should be current, preferably published in the last 5 years, and contain up to 40 citations.

Case Report - Description of patients or unique cases, especially rare diseases, and innovative forms of diagnosis and treatment. The text should contain the following sections: Introduction, which describes the importance of the subject matter and presents the objectives of the presentation of the case(s) in question; Case Report; Discussion, wherein relevant aspects are discussed and compared with the literature; Conclusion; and References. The main text should not exceed 1000 words (excluding references and tables), 10 references, and eight figures presented either individually or in groups.

Ideas and Innovations - Original and innovative studies. The text should not exceed 1000 words, 10 references, and 8 figures presented either individually or in groups; moreover, it should contain the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.

Special Article - Articles not classified in the above categories and for which the Editorial Board deems to be of particular relevance to the field. The review of these articles follows unique criteria, and there are no limits on word count or number of references.  

Letter to the Editor - Comment, discussion, or article appraisals published in the RBCP. However, this category may contain other topics of general interest. The text should have up to 250 words and 5 references. Whenever possible, a list of the authors of the study will be published together with the letter.

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