Letters to the Editor - Year 2011 - Volume 26 - Issue 3
Letters to the Editor
Cartas ao Editor
We thank all colleagues who sent congratulatory messages after receiving the e-mail message sent on May 10, 2011 (shown below) informing members that the Brazilian Journal of Plastic Surgery was indexed in SciELO.
Dear Colleagues,
As you may know, the Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (Brazilian Journal of Plastic Surgery - BJPS) was selected to be included in the SciELO Publications collection (www.scielo.br).
It is likely that many colleagues do not fully understand the importance of this index, which will give us greater visibility in the national and international scientific communities.
Being indexed in SciELO, which is limited to a select group of publications, can be considered a certificate of the quality of a journal. This demonstrates that the BJPS has fulfilled its role in disseminating research data in plastic surgery, reporting knowledge and experiences and helping us to envision the future of the specialty.
It is very satisfying that our actions undertaken over the past year were recognized. Being included in this index is the result of the collective effort of authors, reviewers, and, in particular, the board of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (BSPS) who believed and supported the plan proposed by the editors of the BJPS to focus on improvement and editorial professionalism.
Although we are in a stage of accelerated qualitative and quantitative growth, we still have a lot to accomplish to attain the level of excellence required for indexing BJPS in Medline and Thomson Reuters (ISI Web of Science), and this will only be possible with the commitment of all colleagues.
To complete this message, we would like to invite everyone to access our journal at SciELO: http://www.scielo.br/rbcp
Best regards,
Ricardo Baroudi and Dov Charles Goldenberg
Editors of the Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (Brazilian Journal of Plastic Surgery)
Letter sent to members of the BSPS: 10/May/2011
Manifestations of the associated
Dear Professor Ricardo Baroudi,
Congratulations for such an important achievement at the international level.
A strong embrace from your admirer and friend,
Ailton de Araújo Cerqueira
Full member of the BSPS, Vitória, ES, Brazil
E-mail received: 10/May/2011
Congratulations, this was a great accomplishment!
Best regards,
Carlos Lacerda de Andrade Almeida
Full member of the BSPS, Recife, PE, Brazil
E-mail received: 10/May/2011
Congratulations on this achievement. We are very well represented by you. We know how important it is to be indexed in SciELO.
Best regards,
Eduardo Lintz
Full member of the BSPS, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
E-mail received: 11/May/2011
Congratulations for this recognition brought upon our specialty.
José Márcio Prazeres dos Santos
Associate member of the BSPS,
Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil
E-mail received: 11/May/2011