Open Access Revisão por pares

Editorial - Year 2022 - Volume 37 - Issue 4

Creating virtuous circles

Criando círculos virtuosos

Virtuous circle, situation in which good events follow one another, one being the cause of the other, tending to improve more and more. In science, this is a goal to be achieved1-2.

This is what we look for in our Journal. The starting point: to be progressively included in the main indexers. The circle: increase in number of submissions, better quality of selected studies, increase in chances of indexing, obtaining impact factor, increase in article submission, greater visibility, increase in number of citations of articles, increase in impact factor and so on.

To achieve this objective, important insertions were successfully obtained, such as readmission on Scielo, and entry into Scopus and DOAJ. The next year will be defining. We will forward new applications to Medline, Web of Science and Pubmed. We are in a position to do so, thanks to the periodicity of publications, the work of the entire editorial board and, of course, the constant flow of article submissions.

The option for open access is also one of the ways to increase the visibility of RBCP. Having greater visibility directly implies citations by other authors, in articles published in different scientific journals. Having an article cited is, finally, the measuring tool of effectiveness of studies. Even if it is not perfect, it signalize in more ways the value of a study.

RBCP needs to remain one of the leaders in scientific communication in the specialty, in Brazil and worldwide. For this, it requests and has the support of all Brazilian and non-Brazilian plastic surgeons interested in publishing and disseminating ideas, studies, complex cases and opinions.



1. Duarte E, Garcia LP. Revisiting the trajectory of Epidemiology and Health Services: the virtuous cycle from 2011 to 2018. Epidemiol. Serv. Health 2018;27(4)

2. Virtual libraries increase access and visibility of scientific production. increase+access+and+visibility+of+production+scient%C3%ADfica
