Open Access Revisão por pares

Editorial - Year 2020 - Volume 35 - Issue 3

RBCP Master Class and the new Resident Ambassador

RBCP Master Class e os novos residentes Embaixadores

The presence of young minds is the guarantee of the perpetuation of our journal.

We are experiencing a moment of profound change in the means of interpersonal interactivity and in the ways of disseminating knowledge. A need that has become mandatory has brought electronic media an even greater importance as a tool for interpersonal interaction.

To this end, an important initiative from our National President Dr. Dênis Calazans Loma, allowed the creation of a group of Residents- called RBCP Ambassadors - with national representation, to assist and encourage the dissemination and interactivity in relation to the studies published in RBCP .

With the support of DECOM, our Communications Department (Director Dr. Marcela Cammarota) created an exclusive channel for discussing articles published in our journal, in the form of online debates - called Master Class, where the participation of experienced residents and coordinators generate a scientific debate on the main published articles. Every two weeks, articles published and available online on our website will be discussed, highlighting their strengths, bringing the topic up to date and generating a critical analysis of the article, as to its form, methodology, results and level of evidence.

The advantages of this initiative are multiple, for teaching plastic surgery, for critical learning of the analysis of a scientific paper and, finally, for the dissemination of studies to our associates and medical colleagues, allowing an additional stimulus for authors to publish in our journal .

Once again, the RBCP Editorial Board seeks new frontiers to be crossed, with the objective of promoting ethical and qualified scientific dissemination.