Introduction: Pleurostomies are a form of treatment for pleural empyemas. Clagett & Geraci set up the technique of thoracoplasty. It is up to the plastic surgeon to perform the reconstruction. Several techniques are described in the literature, among them are musculocutaneous flaps.
Method: case report describing the evolution of a fasciocutaneous flap of anterior serratus muscle to cover pleurostomy sequelae.
Results: A good result was obtained using the fasciocutaneous flap, with lower morbidity compared to other flaps. Discussion: Empyemas often occur in young patients. Among the options most described in the literature is the closure with musculocutaneous flaps, among them: the muscles of the lastissimus dorsi, pectoralis major and rectus abdominis. Performing treatments with large muscle flaps in these patients can cause functional impairments that prevent them from working (psychosocial effect).
Conclusions: We believe to be coherent the use of simpler strategies when possible, reserving more complex techniques in case of failure.
Keywords: Surgical flaps; Pleural empyema