Knowledge diffusion is the way the humanity has found to perpetuate ideas and promote the intellectual development of a society. The strength of a concept, a study, or results depends on the impact they have in a specific environment and on the function of those who produce them.
For knowledge diffusion, individual competence and strategy are paramount. Competence is the ability to correctly perform a task. It involves a combination of practical and theoretical knowledge, cognitive abilities, behavior, and values.
A strategy is a high-level plan to achieve one or more objectives. It involves the establishment of goals and actions for achieving the objectives, as well as mobilization of resources to perform activities. A strategy describes how goals will be achieved by using the available resources.
When a goal is defined, competence and strategy are needed to achieve the goal.
Competence is an acquired individual quality with variable workload of innate variable tendency. Competency in medicine is achieved through acquisition of knowledge, training, experience, humility and ethics.
Medicine is a very wide area; it is known to include professionals with high technical skill, advanced technical knowledge, and intellectual knowledge. The advance of science depends on the combination of these factors. However, professional competence, didactics and aptitude for research do not necessarily exist in the same individual.
Research in medicine depends on a good idea, scientifically supported methods, criteria analysis of results, and conclusions that consolidate or lead to changes in paradigms.
In performing a research project, strategy is fundamental and competence is key for success.