Open Access Revisão por pares

Ideas and Innovation - Year 2015 - Volume 30 - Issue 2

A basis for a reformulation of the digital presence of the Brazilian Association of Plastic Surgery

As bases da reformulação da presença digital da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica


INTRODUCTION: The exponential growth of the Internet has revealed its great potential as an effective tool for providers to access information. The development of websites that meet associates' and other users' needs to be informed is a concern of professional associations. This study aimed to assess the structure of the SBCP website and the need to implement a new dynamic interaction between associates and other users.
METHOD: A qualitative study was conducted by surveying previously selected associates and opinion makers.
RESULTS: The most common considerations were as follows: (1) the need to improve scientific content, (2) update the website, (3) disseminate research, (4) access journals, and (5) training and/or development of tools.
CONCLUSION: This study promoted the modernization of the SBCP website and defined guidelines for its ongoing presence in social networks.

Keywords: Internet; Website; Surgery, Plastic; Societies, Medical; Social media.


INTRODUÇÃO: Com o crescimento exponencial da internet, observou-se o grande potencial da rede como ferramenta eficaz no provimento de informações e acesso difundido. Desenvolver portais que respondam as necessidades informacionais de seus associados e usuários configuram uma preocupação das sociedades de classe. O objetivo deste estudo foi reavaliar a estrutura do portal da SBCP, além da necessidade de implementação de uma nova dinâmica de interação de seus associados e usuários.
MÉTODO: Realizou-se pesquisa qualitativa com seus associados e formadores de opinião previamente selecionados.
RESULTADOS: As considerações mais frequentes foram: aporte de melhor conteúdo científico, necessidade de atualização do portal, divulgação de pesquisas, acesso a periódicos e instrumento de treinamento e/ou aperfeiçoamento.
CONCLUSÃO: Essa pesquisa possibilitou a modernização do portal da SBCP, além de definir diretrizes de sua presença contínua nas redes sociais.

Palavras-chave: Rede; Portal; Cirurgia Plástica; Sociedades Médicas; Mídias sociais.


Structure and Digital Presence

The exponential growth of the Internet in recent years has revealed its great potential as an effective tool to provide widespread access to information. This information, in turn, is disseminated through websites on the Internet. Websites are the key interfaces through which consumers use the Internet. Given the magnitude of the phenomenon, consumers of information accessed on the Internet prefer websites that satisfy their needs for information.

A website can be defined as a concentrating and distributing center of content for a series of other websites or bhN subsites within and/or outside the domain or subdomain of the association or company that manages the website. The most common structure includes search engines, content areas, news, and/or forums areas, as well as other information generating services1.

The development of websites that address the information needs of their associates and users is important to professional associations.

Poor interface design is one reason for some flawed high-profile websites2-3. To ensure good usability practices, content layout, and socializing, we aimed to reformulate the SBCP4 website.

Usability is defined as a quality attribute of products that allows assessment of the interface and describes the extent to which it is easy to use. It is defined by five components: learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction4,5.

Reassessment of the structure of the SBCP website was essential to implement a new mode of interaction among its users and to improve the performance of the information available on the website.

A qualitative study of the perceptions and expectations of the associates regarding the communication activities of the association was conducted to forward the planning of digital communication and marketing actions that would address the actual needs of representatives. This assessment was the first step in the reformulation of the SBCP digital presence.

To ensure the quality of the website, the planning focused on three points. First, the planning of contents, frequency, monitoring, and interactivity in various social platforms was performed, emphasizing Facebook and Twitter. The second focus was on the connection of the scientific production of the central medium, the Brazilian Journal of Plastic Surgery, to social media. Third, planning focused on allowing users to create personalized profiles, with links to their personal websites, and the functions of a mini-website with space for relevant information about the users' professional goals and competencies.


To assess the perceptions and expectations of the associates, structured interviews of a qualitative sample, with closed and open questions, were performed. The survey interviews were conducted by telephone and/or face-to-face to validate prior assumptions and create a basis for the website reformulation. This approach allowed for an in-depth analysis of objective issues and the possibility of investigating subjective factors that may arise during the interviews.

The opinions of the selected opinion makers are representative of the opinions of the group's members. The list and structure of the aspects to be analyzed were subjected to the approval of the SBCP and grouped into five dimensions: (1) general perceptions of the SBCP activities on behalf of its associates, (2) general positions with respect to the press and the public, (3) aspects of the SBCP website, (4) social media, and (5) the SBCP brand, expectations, and suggestions.


The SBCP activities on behalf of its associates and its aspects that could improve the website's functionality, attractiveness, and utility were found to be the following: (1) improved and updated scientific content, (2) dissemination of ongoing research, (3) access to national and international journals, (4) access to online/real time videos as training and development tools, and (5) access to devices - direct links and a version for mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad.

In response to the question, "Should SBCP use social media?", about 95% of the associates answered "yes." Although the majority of the associates reported that it is inappropriate for a professional to use social media to publicize her or his practice, they stated that it is highly advantageous for an entity, such as SBCP, to be present on these informational channels, particularly on Facebook and Twitter5.

In addition, many of the respondents were dissatisfied with the SBCP's position regarding the press, and the scores given to the website were 59% regular and unsatisfactory. Thus, it was evident that this aspect of the website needed substantial changes and required urgent action.

Regarding the item suggestions and areas of improvement, the associates stated that it is important to create a new homepage layout and to review the advertisements and sponsors that are on it. Another aspect that was highly criticized by the associates was the extent of difficulty in accessing the annual calendar and searching for events, which is a main reason that associates use the website. The respondents considered three tools to be important for improving the website. First, registration of the associates' contacts should be improved and there should be direct communication between patients and physicians through links to the physicians' websites. Second, the scientific content section (e.g. studies, videos) should be expanded and there should be access to materials that were presented at symposiums and in national or international publications. Third, there should be links to social networks.


The key points for the development and planning of a high quality SBCP website that acknowledge its weak points and focus on strengthening them through improved effectiveness and efficiency were as follows: (1) capitalize on the current favorable moment, which is new management, and streamline the transformation of the website; (2) systematize the mode of dissemination of the SBCP's attributes to the relevant audiences, particularly the public and the press (the survey found that the SBCP was perceived as highly reactive and not proactive); (3) develop an integrated structure and systematized plan of communication and marketing, which was suggested by most of the respondents; and (4) improve the modes of communication between the SBCP and its associates through the website via links to devices, physicians, and updated associate profiles.


The items from the survey that were analyzed and discussed allowed for the modernizing and updating of the website. The characteristics that were assessed are important to the good reputations of the SBCP and its associates. Moreover, these data provided guidelines for planning the ongoing digital presence of the SBCP.


1. Silva Filho AM. Usabilidade é dar a atenção que o usuário merece. Rev Espaço Acad. 2012;12(133):57-61.

2. Selden S, Orenstein J. Content, usability, and innovation: an evaluative methodology for government recruiting websites. Rev Public Pers Admin. 2011;31(2):209-23.

3. Natalia V, Kuster I. Consumer feelings and behaviors towards well-designed websites. Inf Manag. 2011;48(4):166-77.

4. Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica. Sobre a SBCP [Internet]. São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica; 2013. [Citado 2013 Dez 15].

5. Wong WW, Subhas CG. Plastic surgery marketing in a generation of tweeting. Aesthet Surg J. 2011:31(8):972-6.

1. Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
2. Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
3. Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
4. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
5. Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Institution: Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.

Corresponding author:
Eduardo Sucupira
Av. das Americas, 3434, Bloco 5, Conj. 419, Barra da Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil CEP 22640-102

Article received: February 19, 2014.
Article accepted: June 1, 2014.