ISSN Online: 2177-1235 | ISSN Print: 1983-5175

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Search for : Osvaldo Gianotti Filho

Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Axilla (Soft Tissue Malignant Melanoma)

Américo Marques, Etizabeth Brenda, Osvaldo Gianotti Filho, Heitor Carvalho Gomes, Jorge M. Andrews
Rev. Bras. Cir. Plást. 1997;12(1):41-46 - Articles

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A case of clear cell sarcoma of the axilla (malignanl melanoma of soft lissues) is reporled. The lumor was ressecled and the inilial diagnosis was liposarcoma. Two monlhs after operalion another nodule was Jound in Ihe patient lumbar region. Ressection of Ihis second nodule was done. The diagnosis of clear cell sarcoma was very difficull by uncomom clinical piclure and Ihe tumor's rarity. Rapid evolulion 10 generalized melltaslalis occurred. The lilerature was reviewed and the main points of clinical and histological findings were presented.

Keywords: Sarcoma, Malignant Melanoma, Soft Tissues



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