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Eighty-two (82) Periareolar Mastopexy (PM) surgery combined with subfascial implant location were performed to correct hypotrophy with ptosis grades I and II. The skin to be removed around the areola, with a oval shape, is marked, de-epithelized and an infra or supra-areolar incision, is made in the mammary tissue, according to the degree of ptosis. Subfascial undermining and introduction of McGhan® high profile implant. Circum areola subdermic 3.0 nylon suture and closing the skin with 4.0 nylon. Other 40 patients (control group), with same disturbs, were submited to conventional mastopexy (CM). There were residual sagging in 2.4%, in the boths groups. Hypertrophyc scar was 1.2%, in PM and 20%, in CM. Nipple-areolar complex asymmetry was 1.2%, in PM and 20%, in CM. Hematoma occurred in 1.2%, in both groups. Seroma occurred in 1.2%, in PM and in 2.5%, in CM. Capsular contraction occurred in 1.2%, in PM and 2.5%, in CM. Great post-operational discomfort was reported in 7.3%, in PM and in 30%, in CM. Moderate in 36.5%, in PM and 40%, in CM. Small in 56.2%, in PM and in 30%, in CM. The final appearance was considered natural in 92.3%, in PM and in 50%, in CM. The main advantages were the suitable correction of sagging, absence of apparent scars, shortened post-operative recovery and the less discomfort related to a major incision in the skin. The shape was much more natural due to the adequate hiding of the borders of the implant provided by the fascial covering.
Keywords: Breast, surgery. Mammaplasty. Breast implantation
Realizaram-se 82 cirurgias de Mastopexia Periareolar (MP) combinadas com implante mamário no plano subfascial para corrigir hipotrofia mamária associada à ptose graus I e II. Marca-se a pele a ser retirada ao redor da aréola, delimitando-se área de ressecção cutânea de forma ovalada; desepiteliza-se e incisa-se abaixo ou acima da aréola, de acordo com o grau da ptose; descola-se no plano subfascial e introduz-se o implante McGhan® de perfil alto; sutura-se de forma circum-areolar com poliamida 3.0; sutura-se a pele com fio poliamida 6.0. Operaram-se outras 40 pacientes (grupo controle), com as mesmas alterações, utilizando técnica convencional (TC), cicatriz vertical ou em "L". Houve flacidez residual em 2,4%, em ambos os grupos; alterações cicatriciais: 1,2%, no MP e 20%, no TC; assimetria do CAM: 1,2%, no MP e 20%, no TC; hematoma: 1,2%, em ambos os grupos; seroma: 1,2%, no MP e 2,5%, no TC; contratura capsular: 1,2%, no MP e 2,5%, no TC. Grande desconforto pós-operatório relatado em 7,3%, no MP, e em 30%, no TC; moderado em 36,5%, no MP e 40%, no TC; pequeno em 56,2%, no MP e em 30%, no TC. A aparência das mamas foi considerada natural em 92,3% e o resultado excelente no MP e em 50% dos casos no TC. Principais vantagens: correção adequada da flacidez, pequena cicatriz circunscrita à área periareolar, redução do período pós-operatório e do desconforto relacionado a uma maior incisão na pele, contorno mamário mais natural devido ao revestimento do bordo do implante conferido pela cobertura fascial.
Palavras-chave: Mama, cirurgia. Mamoplastia. Implante mamário