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Search for : Bárbara Matos de Carvalho Borges

Low-cost synthetic model for skin flap training

Arthur Antunes Coimbra Pinheiro Pacífico; Aline Santos Correia; Bárbara Matos de Carvalho Borges; Mateus Bonfim Costa; Mateus Pinheiro Fernandes Feitosa Arrais; Samy Lima Carneiro; Thiago Maciel Valente; Nelson Gurgel Simas de Oliveira
Rev. Bras. Cir. Plást. 2020; 35: (3)

PDF Portuguese PDF English


Introduction: The search for learning surgical techniques within the operating room is linked to difficulties, such as reducing teaching time by surgeons and ethical problems. Models have already been developed to facilitate the practice of surgical techniques, however, with high cost, difficult access, and ethical and moral complications. The present work aims to present a synthetic model, unpublished and practical for the training of skin flap techniques, formulated to be easy to reproduce and low cost, allowing its feasibility.
Methods: In the model, fabric, sponge for car washing, latex elastic, fine-tipped brush, scalpel, and surgical suture instruments were used. The fabric is fixed by the elastic on the surface of the sponge, simulating skin and subcutaneous. The flap to be made on the surface of the fabric is then drawn.
Results: The model created was satisfactory, since it improves the handling of surgical instruments and the learning of the proposed flap technique, besides having demonstrated good elasticity and tensile strength. In medical schools, there is a lack of approach to essential topics in plastic surgery. The importance of low-cost and easy-to-execute models, such as the above, is emphasized to facilitate the learning of students interested in the subject, seeking to fulfill the educational function without breaking ethical principles.
Conclusion: The proposed model is an excellent form of training because it presents logistical and instructive benefits, facilitating learning, without causing harm to animals.

Keywords: Simulation; Training; Medical education; Surgical flaps; Reconstructive surgical procedures.



Introdução: A busca pela aprendizagem de técnicas cirúrgicas dentro da sala de operação está vinculada a dificuldades, como a redução do tempo de ensino pelos cirurgiões e problemas éticos. Já foram elaborados modelos para facilitar a prática de técnicas cirúrgicas, contudo de custo elevado, difícil acesso e com complicações éticas e morais. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um modelo sintético, inédito e prático para o treinamento das técnicas de retalho cutâneo, formulado para ser de fácil reprodução e de baixo custo, permitindo sua exequibilidade.
Métodos: No modelo foi utilizado malha, esponja para lavagem de carro, elástico de látex, pincel de ponta fina, bisturi e instrumentos cirúrgicos de sutura. A malha é fixada pelo elástico sobre a superfície da esponja, simulando pele e subcutâneo. Desenha-se, então, o retalho a ser feito na superfície do tecido.
Resultados: O modelo criado mostrou-se satisfatório, visto que aprimora o manuseio de instrumentos cirúrgicos e o aprendizado da técnica de retalho proposta, além de ter demonstrado boa elasticidade e resistência a tração. Nas faculdades de medicina percebe-se uma carência na abordagem de temas importantes da cirurgia plástica. Ressalta-se a importância de modelos de baixo custo e de fácil execução, como o supracitado, para facilitar a aprendizagem de estudantes interessados no assunto, buscando cumprir a função educacional sem romper princípios éticos.
Conclusão: O modelo proposto é uma excelente forma de treinamento por apresentar benefícios logísticos e instrutivos, facilitando a aprendizagem, sem causar prejuízo aos animais.

Palavras-chave: Simulação; Capacitação; Educação médica; Retalhos cirúrgicos; Procedimentos cirúrgicos reconstrutivos


Low-cost, synthetic model for training and simulation of open and semi-open rhinoplasty

Arthur Antunes Coimbra Pinheiro Pacífico; Bárbara Matos de Carvalho Borges; Anna Letícia Silveira Parnaíba; Marco Antônio de Lucena Furtado; Samy Lima Carneiro; Mateus Pinheiro Fernandes Feitosa Arrais; Davi Sousa Garcia
Rev. Bras. Cir. Plást. 2021; 36: (4)

PDF Portuguese PDF English


Introduction: Rhinoplasty is indicated for performing aesthetic repairs in the nose, being functional when it also seeks to improve respiratory function. Procedure results are based on improved quality of life and patient satisfaction. It is a complex surgery that requires adequate training. In this sense, several strategies were introduced, such as educational videos, simulations, studies on cadavers and in clinical skills laboratories; however, the basis of training remains the master-apprentice relationship in surgery.
Methods: The base materials used in the construction of the model were: hot glue, basin, water, detergent, epoxy putty, spatulas for crafts, nose mold, suture threads, white acetic silicone, disposable cup and spoon and coloring agents.
Results: The resulting low-cost model has remarkable similarity with the external appearance and with the cartilages of the nose, allowing easy identification and handling of each structure. Allows good simulation of some steps of the open and semi-open techniques of rhinoplasty.
Conclusion: The new synthetic model developed avoids ethical and legal questions that alternative methods such as animals and fresh cadavers raise. Although it requires skill for its manufacture, it has characteristics such as low cost, which favor its dissemination among medical schools. The exposed model can positively impact the learning process of rhinoplasty, revealing itself as an accessible and helpful tool for training in various stages of the technique of this complex surgery.

Keywords: Simulation; Professional training; Rhinoplasty; Medical education; Elective surgical procedures.



Introdução: A rinoplastia é indicada para a realização de reparos estéticos no nariz, sendo designada funcional quando também objetiva melhorar a função respiratória. Os resultados do procedimento são baseados na melhora da qualidade de vida e na satisfação do paciente. Trata-se de uma cirurgia complexa, que requer adequado treinamento. Nesse sentido, várias estratégias foram introduzidas, como vídeos educacionais, simulações, estudos em cadáveres e em laboratórios de habilidades clínicas; no entanto, a base do treinamento continua sendo a relação mestre-aprendiz em cirurgias.
Métodos: Os materiais-base utilizados na construção do modelo foram: cola quente, bacia, água, detergente, massa epóxi, espátulas para artesanato, molde nasal, fios de sutura, silicone acético branco, copo e colher descartáveis e corantes.
Resultados: O modelo resultante, de baixo custo, apresenta grande similaridade com o aspecto externo e com as cartilagens do nariz, permitindo fácil identificação e manuseio de cada estrutura. Permite boa simulação de algumas etapas das técnicas aberta e semiaberta da rinoplastia.
Conclusão: O modelo sintético inédito desenvolvido evita questionamentos éticos e legais que métodos alternativos como o uso de animais e cadáveres frescos suscitam. Apesar de requerer habilidade para sua confecção, tem características como o baixo custo, que favorecem a sua disseminação entre as escolas médicas. O modelo exposto tem o potencial de impactar positivamente o processo de aprendizagem da rinoplastia, revelando-se uma ferramenta acessível e útil para o treinamento de várias etapas da técnica dessa complexa cirurgia.

Palavras-chave: Simulação; Capacitação profissional; Rinoplastia; Educação médica; Procedimentos cirúrgicos eletivos.


Burn lesions with progression to neoplasia: Marjolin's ulcer

Thiago Maciel Valente; Mateus Pinheiro Fernandes Feitosa Arrais; Bárbara Matos De Carvalho Borges; Samy Lima Carneiro; Maressa Cavalcante Fernandes de Albuquerque; Nelson Gurgel Simas de Oliveira
Rev. Bras. Cir. Plást. 2019; 34: (3)

PDF Portuguese PDF English


Introduction: Marjolin's ulcer is defined as a malignancy within scars that is usually chronic and results from several lesion types, with burn injuries being the most common. Methods: A bibliographic survey was conducted of the Virtual Health Library, PubMed, Scientific Electronic Library Online, and Cochrane databases using the inclusion criteria of studies published in the last 5 years, human studies, and published in English or Portuguese. Results: A total of 31 studies were analyzed, of which only 6 were included in the final sample. Discussion: Marjolin's ulcer is found in old burn scars and can occur anywhere, but it is more common in the upper and lower limbs. The diagnosis begins with the clinical suspicion based on lesion characteristics: chronic unhealed ulcerative lesions with high and hardened edges, an unpleasant odor, and purulent discharge. However, the diagnosis can only be made histopathologically. The latency period between injury and malignancy is 30-35 years. Although treatment should be individualized since it depends on several factors, surgical excision is considered the gold standard. Conclusion: Knowledge about this condition is essential to better patient prognosis and prevent underestimation of possible cases of malignancy, allowing for appropriate therapy to minimize recurrence and enabling prophylactic measures to prevent burn injury and reduce risk factors for malignancy.

Keywords: Burns; Skin ulcer; Carcinoma; Healing; Plastic surgery



Introduction: Marjolin's ulcer is defined as a malignancy within scars that is usually chronic and results from several lesion types, with burn injuries being the most common. Methods: A bibliographic survey was conducted of the Virtual Health Library, PubMed, Scientific Electronic Library Online, and Cochrane databases using the inclusion criteria of studies published in the last 5 years, human studies, and published in English or Portuguese.
Results: A total of 31 studies were analyzed, of which only 6 were included in the final sample.
Discussion: Marjolin's ulcer is found in old burn scars and can occur anywhere, but it is more common in the upper and lower limbs. The diagnosis begins with the clinical suspicion based on lesion characteristics: chronic unhealed ulcerative lesions with high and hardened edges, an unpleasant odor, and purulent discharge. However, the diagnosis can only be made histopathologically. The latency period between injury and malignancy is 30-35 years. Although treatment should be individualized since it depends on several factors, surgical excision is considered the gold standard.
Conclusion: Knowledge about this condition is essential to better patient prognosis and prevent underestimation of possible cases of malignancy, allowing for appropriate therapy to minimize recurrence and enabling prophylactic measures to prevent burn injury and reduce risk factors for malignancy.

Palavras-chave: Queimaduras; Úlcera cutânea; Carcinoma; Cicatrização; Cirurgia plástica


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