Asymmetric crying face (ACF) syndrome was first described in 1931 by Parmelee
while observing the crying of a newborn1.
It is a congenital alteration secondary to hypoplasia or absence of the
depressor muscle at the mouth angle. It can develop in up to 0.6% of births2 and present with facial asymmetry when
crying and loss of saliva in the oral commissure of the affected side. Other
facial movement muscles are unaffected3.
The diagnosis may be clinical or aided by electromyography. The association with
other congenital malformations is possible and may be from the gastrointestinal,
cardiovascular, skeletal, genitourinary, and even central nervous system.
Congenital hypoplasia of the depressor muscle of the mouth angle develops in
isolation in most cases4, and the
investigation of other congenital anomalies is controversial2. Its etiology is not yet well defined but
is believed to be multifactorial.
The clinical diagnosis is more difficult with the child’s growth, since, with the
passage of time, the risorius and other muscles begin to dominate facial
expression4. The main differential
diagnosis of this condition is with obstetric traumas and congenital facial
paralysis, in which there are other facial expression alterations such as
deficient ocular closure, absence of frontal wrinkles, and deletion of the
nasolabial sulcus.
The diagnosis and follow-up of this syndrome are well discussed and established
in the literature. Nevertheless, the treatment of facial asymmetry is rarely
studied, and there are differences in the initial conduct of these cases. Thus,
we present here a case of a child with ACF syndrome successfully treated with
botulinum toxin on the unaffected side.
Case Report
A 9-year-old female patient, with complaint of mouth asymmetry since birth,
currently suffers from bullying at school. She had stable
asymmetry throughout growth, with greater prominence of the deformity when
crying and smiling.
According to the mother, gestation was uneventful. Personal history is only
bronchial asthma with eventual use of inhaled corticosteroids.
The patient was evaluated by a pediatrician, who ruled out associated congenital
malformations. Upon examination, there were no significant changes at rest
(Figure 1), but the smile was
asymmetric due to the absence of action of the depressor muscle at the left
mouth angle (Figure 2). The remaining
facial muscles had no clinically detectable changes (Figure 3).
Figure 1 - Resting - without significant asymmetry.
Figure 1 - Resting - without significant asymmetry.
Figure 2 - Mouth asymmetry when smiling - absence of depression action at
the mouth angle on the left side.
Figure 2 - Mouth asymmetry when smiling - absence of depression action at
the mouth angle on the left side.
Figure 3 - Dynamic physical exam normal resting - good function of the
orbicular mouth muscle.
Figure 3 - Dynamic physical exam normal resting - good function of the
orbicular mouth muscle.
The therapeutic possibilities were proposed for the patient and mother. After the
consent of the patient and her caregiver, 5 IU of botulinum toxin type A
(Botox®; Allergan) was directly applied to the depressor
muscle at the right (unaffected) mouth angle. After 14 days, an insufficient
result was verified (Figure 4), and
another 5 IU (total of 10 IU) was applied.
Figure 4 - Result after the first application - application of 5 IU of
botulinum toxin type A (Botox®; Allergan).
Figure 4 - Result after the first application - application of 5 IU of
botulinum toxin type A (Botox®; Allergan).
The patient returned satisfied with the result, showing symmetry when smiling, as
seen in Figures 5 and 6.
Figure 5 - Final result after the second application. Resting - total dose
of 10 IU botulinum toxin type A (Botox®;
Figure 5 - Final result after the second application. Resting - total dose
of 10 IU botulinum toxin type A (Botox®;
Figure 6 - Final result after the second application. Smile - total dose of
10 IU of botulinum toxin type A (Botox®;
Figure 6 - Final result after the second application. Smile - total dose of
10 IU of botulinum toxin type A (Botox®;
ACF syndrome has been extensively studied in pediatric publications with a focus
on diagnosis and follow-up necessary for these children and differential
diagnoses and associations with other congenital malformations, but there are
few discussions on the treatment of the central characteristic of this
condition: facial asymmetry secondary to hypoplasia of the depressor muscle at
the mouth angle.
The most studied and described treatment in the world literature is the weakening
of the sound side through selective neurectomy of a marginal nerve branch of
mandible or myectomy of the depressor muscle at the mouth angle5. Udagawa et al.6 described a surgical intervention on the affected side, in
which a fascia lata graft was performed in 7 children with facial asymmetry when
crying, showing good results. Other innumerable invasive forms have also been
published such as functional microsurgical transfer, fascia graft, and even
transposition of the digastric muscle.
The treatment modalities proposed in other studies have the need for surgical
intervention as a disadvantage, thus exposing children to anesthetic risk.
Therefore, less invasive alternatives such as the selective blockage of the
marginal nerve branch of the mandible and application of botulinum toxin were
also studied.
Tulley et al.7 demonstrated in 2000 the
application of botulinum toxin in 5 adult patients who presented with isolated
facial paralysis at the marginal branch of the mandible, with excellent results.
Isken et al.8 published in 2009 two cases
of children, one 4 years of age and the other 16 months, with facial asymmetry
when crying successfully treated with botulinum toxin on the unaffected side,
discussing in this work the benefits of a simple therapy for children with
facial deformity that may eventually present psychosocial difficulties and
Botulinum toxin is already used safely in several childhood conditions such as
spasticity in cerebral palsy, strabismus, dystonia, and hyperhidrosis, so there
is sufficient evidence to demonstrate safety in its use in children8.
Here, we present the case of a 9-year-old child with facial asymmetry of the
mouth when smiling and crying, extremely uncomfortable with her physical
condition. A safe, quick, and easy treatment was performed with the use of
botulinum toxin, demonstrating a good result and with total patient
Analysis and/or interpretation of data; study design and design;
methodology; writing - preparation of the original; writing -
revision and editing.
Analysis and/or interpretation of data; conceptualization;
investigation; conducting operations and/or experiments; writing -
revision and editing; supervision.
1. Parmelee AH. Molding due to intra-uterine posture. Facial paralysis
probably due to such molding. Am J Dis Child. 1931;42(5):1155-9. DOI:
2. Sapin SO, Miller AA, Bass HN. Neonatal assymetric crying facies: a
new look at an old problem. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2005;44(2):109-19. DOI:
3. Ulualp SO, Deskin R. Congenital unilateral hypoplasia of depressor
anguli oris. Case Rep Pediatr. 2012;2012:507248.
4. Lahat E, Heyman E, Barkay A, Goldberg M. Asymmetric crying facies
and associated congenital anomalies: prospective study and review of the
literature. J Child Neurol. 2000;15(12):808-10. DOI:
5. Baker DC. Facial paralysis. In: McCarthy JG, ed. Plastic Surgery.
Volume 3. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1990. p. 2237-319.
6. Udagawa A, Arikawa K, Shimizu S, Suzuki H, Matsumoto H, Yoshimoto S,
et al. A simple reconstruction for congenital unilateral lower lip palsy. Plast
Reconstr Surg. 2007;120(1):238-44. DOI:
7. Tulley P, Webb A, Chana JS, Tan ST, Hudson D, Grobbelaar AO, et al.
Paralysis of the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve: treatment
options. Br J Plast Surg. 2000;53(5):378-85. DOI:
8. Isken T, Gunlemez A, Kara B, Izmirli H, Gercek H. Botulinum toxin
for the correction of assymetric crying facies. Aesthet Surg J.
2009;29(6):524-7. DOI:
1. Clínica Essere, São Paulo, SP,
Corresponding author: Luiz Guilherme de
Moraes Prado Mazuca
Rua Maranhão - 192
São Paulo, SP, Brazil Zip
Code 01240-000
Article received: May 01, 2018.
Article accepted: June 04, 2018.
Conflicts of interest: none.